Janet Kay Morrow 1932-2014
Here are my mother and me on June 28th of this year, before anybody knew she was sick. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at Meijer’s in Canton, Michigan, and part of my famous Vacation series.
Many things have happened since my last post. My mother has died. She passed away at home on Sunday, September 7, 2014. She had been in hospice care for a few days. The last few days were really rough for her. I’m grateful her suffering didn’t last too long.
Here’s what I wrote on Facebook this evening:
Well, the day’s just about over. We buried my mother today. There was a beautiful funeral and graveside service, followed by a large luncheon and reception at my sister Julie Pita’s house. There were many people in attendance, a testament to the many lives touched by my mother. There were tears and laughter. There were memories shared and friendships renewed.
I miss my mother. I know I’ll miss her more and more as the days go on. But tonight I’m filled with love for her and my family. She gave me a happy life, encouraged me when I was down, and made me feel safe and loved. Hers was a good life.
I love you, Mom. Farewell.
That’s all I have tonight. I’m in Michigan and will go home on Monday. More later.