Here’s a kiln. A relatively large one. Great Art taken at Greenfield Village during our recent trip to Michigan and part of both my famous Machinery and Vacation series.
Off Friday. Good day. Worked a bit on the pool and pond while LRN4 trimmed plants and did some lawn work. Nice warm day, but not murderously hot like the last few days. Nothing to complain about.
Let’s see, what else did we do? Oh yeah, we practice our golf swings a bit. LRN4’s getting it. I’m quite certain that if she practices even a little bit, she’ll end up way better than me. We also went to the store to exchange a shirt she recently bought that was a bit more roomy than needed. I also got a new pair of flip-flops. They had originally been $20, but they were on sale for $10. LRN4 had a $5 off coupon and a 15% off coupon. They ended up costing $4.63 or something like that. Naturally, we were at Kohl’s. Anybody who pays full price for anything there is making a mistake.
Great news from Provo! LRN2’s computer came back to him this evening! It turns out that it really was a case of mistaken backpack identity. We’re all greatly relieved and convinced that there aren’t many places other than BYU where that would have worked out. He’s planning to put his name/address/phone on a card in the backpack, and he’ll probably use one of the lockers at the cafeteria in the future, more to keep it hidden than to prevent crime. Which still does occasionally exist there in the Happy Valley.
Anyway. We’re really glad for him. In other good LRN2 news, he had a great second day at work. He’s working on setting up a bunch of new computers and routing some new ethernet cables. Sounds like fun. Definitely more fun than food service and janitorial work combined.
We’re getting all our ducks in a row for LRN4’s vacation-house-hunting trip to Las Vegas the week after next. We’ve gotten financing approved and have our down payment money ready to go (huge down payments are required for second homes and condos and places in Nevada, so you can imagine how much we’re having to come up with – yikes!). Now all we need is to find an outstanding place there within our admittedly miniscule price range. Our niece Marcie has kindly contributed her real estate agent along with a few good leads, and now it’s up to LRN4 to find it. Should be no problem. Our family there seems pretty excited about trying to attract us out there. We’re pretty excited about it too.
That’s it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: watermelon dispute!
See you Monday.