Kolob canyons
Here’s LRN4 at Kolob Canyons. You can tell it’s Kolob Canyons because that sign there says Kolob Canyons. So I guess that’s what it is. Pretty place, like all the other pretty places we saw during our recent trip to Southern Utah. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at Kolob Canyons in Zion National Park a few weeks ago before the National Parks Service people became all evil, and part of my famous Vacation series.
Wonders of WordPress again. It’s not that I can’t write every day. It’s just that I don’t. But my Loyal Readers must stay informed and entertained, so we soldier on.
LRN4’s doing quite well. She reports that the nasty effects of the Nexavar seem to be easing somewhat. She’s been taking a quarter of the dose her doctor prescribed because her body just wasn’t tolerating it. She’s now toying with upping it to a half dose. We’ll see if she is able to do that.
No other real news on the LRN4 front. She continues to feel a little better and do a little more every day. She’s even been working a bit on the back yard – she had wanted to tie a few plants up to the back wall to make a bit of a green wall effect – and she’s been working on a new post for her blog. She recently had to back off a bit on the frequency of blog posts, but she’s not giving it up entirely.
Not a lot of work got done today. Maybe tomorrow. I have a couple of things I’m working actively on for the medical application and I’ve started updates on my Morse Trainer iOS app, so there’s plenty to do. I only got one response to my question about the school tech conference (thanks, LRN16!) and it was a positive one, so I’ve decided to at least contact the school people and find out what my $350 gets me.
I’m very reluctant to spend marketing dollars because of my inexperience in that area and my desire to not learn the hard way, but I’m quite sure that if I do nothing to try to bring people to my work, they’ll never find it. I just have to convince myself that my work is worth buying and overcome my reluctance to ask people for their money. I was speaking on this subject with my non-Loyal-Reader brother-in-law Ken, who is an outstanding marketer/salesman, and he pointed out that he doesn’t look at it as asking people for money. He says I should merely present it to people as a possible way to solve a problem they’re facing. When I think of it that way, I can see his point. I made the app because LRN31 had a real problem and I believe the app helps address that problem for her. I also believe there must be many other people with the same problem and I believe my app addresses that problem in a meaningful way. So I just need to do a bit better job to put it out there to more people as a possible solution.
But I’m still worried that I’ll spend a whole lot of marketing dollars without seeing a meaningful return. Why do I see my own work as having less value than that of others? Does everybody have this problem?
Anyway. Nothing else to report today. So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting food-related Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: turtleburger!
See you on Monday.
October 19th, 2013 at 9:03 pm
I think your problem is really typical and until I started working tradeshows and selling products I was also reluctant to try and convince people to spend money on something. However, after working at about 20-30 tradeshows, I agree with your brother-in-law and you do have to approach it as help or an idea for people looking for solutions for their problems or needs. That’s why they are at the conference!! And I am sure that your work has just as much value as the work of others. We were just raised to be modest and not think too highly of ourselves! lol
October 20th, 2013 at 12:46 am
I also used to have a problem with salesmanship, but I learned at the CB shop how to sell someone exactly what they need/want. Marketing is very difficult, but once you know the customers’ needs, you know exactly what to sell them. I also learned how to sell people crap that they didn’t need, but that’s kind of beside the point. I think that my extensive experience with interview/interrogation also helps because I can almost always get information from people without them realizing they are divulging anything.
October 22nd, 2013 at 11:49 pm
That was such a great trip. It was very windy which is why I am holding on to my hat.