Here are some native Eskimo masks. They must have had great Halloween parties back then. Great Art taken in that fantastic Canadian museum during our Alaska cruise. Of course. Featuring an obscure cameo by the Loyal Blogger. Part of my famous Statue series.
Another Extreme Short Shrift night. We went to LRN2’s Christmas organ concert (it was very nice this year, and he did a wonderful job) right after I got home from work and we ate dinner, and it’s getting late now. So Extreme Short Shrift.
I believe the weekend plans have already been mentioned, so I’ll just add a new job opportunity for my Loyal Readers to look into: alien greeter. Somebody has to Take Them To Our Leader.
And I’ll top that off with another shocking example of candy and gum violence: bubble gum bandits.
See you on Monday.
December 8th, 2009 at 10:33 pm
Missed Monday's blog.