New yard
Here’s our newly-installed back yard. We’re really happy with the way it turned out – practically zero maintenance and it’s going to be a beautiful place to spend time and entertain. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Statue and Las Vegas series. Note the cool turtle statue LRN5 gave us a few years back. He fits right in here!
Been at the hospital with LRN4 every day. She’s doing exceptionally well, getting lots of exercise, looking and feeling better just about every day, and generally wishing this whole mess were over and she could go home. We’re likely to actually go home in about 10 days, which isn’t way too much. It’s just too much.
LRN1 and LRN2 were here for the weekend. We had a great visit, they enjoyed their visit with LRN4, as did she, and we sent them back to Provo with a 5×8 U-Haul trailer full of LRN2’s worldly belongings. I really enjoyed their visit and was very sorry to see them go. But at least I now have an empty exercise room, into which I’ve been transferring LRN4’s numerous exercise gadgets and gizmos. When we have visitors in the future, they’ll have to make do with our one guest room and a blow-up mattress in that room. But at least LRN2 has a place to sleep in his new apartment!
That’s right, LRN2 has moved into his new place. Both he and LRN1 report that it’s very nice. It’s a two-bedroom place with a single roommate. I think he’s just subleasing the room to LRN2, in fact. His roommate is an older guy who has been through a divorce and will have his three kids over to visit occasionally, so LRN2 will have some youthful company from time to time. He ought to enjoy that. He starts his new job in six days now. He’s frantically searching for a car so he can get back and forth to the job. Hopefully, that search will bear fruit in the next day or so. Happy hunting, LRN2!
My latest [amazon asin=B001FA1NK0&text=Apple TV] has been acting very strangely lately – it’s playing video just fine, but reboots every two minutes when it’s not playing anything. Very annoying. It’s being retired to my office for further testing and evaluation, and I’ve ordered a new [amazon asin=B00BGGDVOO&text=Roku 3] to take its place. It was a bit of a stretch not to buy another [amazon asin=B007I5JT4S&text=Apple TV], since I’m such a fanboy, but I’ve read excellent reviews on the new Roku and I’m excited to try it out. I used the gift card my colleagues gave me at my retirement luncheon in California a few weeks ago, so it cost me nothing! Well, nothing but 27+ years of hard labor, but I was also compensated for that in other ways.
And that’s about it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: crime-fighting staring goat!
See you tomorrow.
March 17th, 2013 at 7:20 pm
Can hardly wait to see the backyard in person and to try out the new Roku. I’m glad you are so happy with it!