Canadian bandstand
Here’s LRN4 in front of a really cool two-story bandstand we found in Canada. The band sits in the top story and fish and beavers live in the bottom store. Or whatever lives in a fountain. Plankton? Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken during our 2012 cruise to Maine and Canada, and part of my famous Cruise, Vacation, and Statue series. Isn’t that a statue there in the middle of the fountain?
Lots going on around here. LRN4’s still in the hospital. Sadly, her first round of chemotherapy didn’t result in remission. Her blast cells were reduced from 100% down to 7-14%, but that’s still not good enough. Even more sadly, she has what’s know as the FLT3 mutation. That’s just about the worst thing you can have, so she definitely needs a bone marrow transplant. They’ve made all the arrangements for her transfer to City of Hope in Duarte, California and we expect to go sometime in the next couple of days. We’re pretty much in a holding pattern here at this point – they don’t want to start the next round of chemo until after the transfer, since that would stick us here for a month, so LRN4’s just getting pumped full of antibiotics, platelets, and hemoglobin and we’re spending our time keeping our strength and spirits up. I imagine we’ll get very busy when we get to California.
LRN2 started his job on Monday. He reports that he’s spending most of his time learning company policies and a little bit of technical information about the job. He discovered to his horror today that they’re not allowed to bring computers, cell phones, or other electronics to work, and that their work computers are locked down pretty tight. We gave him the bad news that locked down computers are the rule in the workplace these days. You have to mess around with your own machine on your own time. Hopefully, he’ll get used to that real soon now.
LRN2 also bought a car a few days ago, so he can actually get to work! He got a 2002 Ford Escort ZX2. He wanted a small, reliable car; this one is definitely small and hopefully reliable. Time will tell!
That’s about it. LRN4 consumes my life right now. We’re in a fight for her life and we intend to win.
I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this combination shocking food violence news and exciting Morrowlife employment agency job opportunity: garlic-bread-stealing, mugging fox!
See you tomorrow.