Sword fighter
Here’s a pretty hostile-looking statue. I think it’s supposed to be Joan of Arc or somebody like that. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone cam, taken at Bryn Athyn in Pennsylvania last year, and part of my famous Statue series.
They had some really amazing medieval pieces at that place.
Wow. Lots of things have happened. Greetings from Duarte, California! We got here on March 23rd. LRN4 is comfortably ensconced in a room at the City of Hope. I spend my days at the hospital and my nights at my cousin Betsy and my cousin-in-law Bob’s house. Thanks, B&B! I don’t know what we’d do without you.
LRN4 has had one more round of chemotherapy so far. It completed a little more than a week ago. We’ll get the results in about six days. In the meantime, she’s taking another chemo pill every day that attacks her specific gene mutation. The best case date for her stem cell transplant is about the first of May.
They checked all three of LRN4’s siblings to see if any of them is a good match to be the donor. They’ve ruled out her brother Robin and her sister Candy. So far, Melanie looks to be a match, but we have to wait for the final results to know for sure.
That’s the sum total of my life right now. So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: chimp cops!
See you tomorrow.
April 13th, 2013 at 1:51 pm
Thanks for making me and the hospital the sum total of your life right now. It means everything to me!