Ocean view

Here’s a nice distant shot of the Pacific Ocean at – you guessed it – Big Sur. Taken from the hiking path going towards – you guessed it – the ocean.

Extremely Short Shrift tonight. I just got home from my Tuesday evening meeting, chatted with Loyal Reader Number One for a few minutes, and played with my VMWare installations of Ubuntu Linux and Solaris Unix. Now I have to get to bed. Need to get up at about 5:00 to pack my bags for tomorrow’s trip to Edwards. As (probably) mentioned previously, I’ll be back late Thursday night so I don’t miss a single minute of my Off Friday.

I’m kind of looking forward to the trip and kind of not. I like Edwards and these meetings have been instructive and useful. I also enjoy a road trip from time to time. On the downside, I have plenty to do at work and not enough time to do it, and it doesn’t help to be gone for a couple of days. But I’m going anyway.

Tomorrow night’s dinner: sushi.

Blogging will continue from the remote location. See you tomorrow.

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