On the dock

Here’s LRN4 on the dock in . . . umm . . . Ketchikan, I think. Probably. My Loyal Readers may well be delighted to learn that I’m just about out of Alaskan Great Art. It’s been a good long run, though. Then we’ll be back to campouts and such things. Or our next cruise. Who knows?

Fine day. We had a picnic luncheon for one of my recently-retired coworkers. Sunnyvale was cloudy and a little too cool right up until the very moment we started eating. The clouds suddenly evaporated and it got sunny and warm essentially immediately. It was great! As LRN1 mentioned via text message earlier today, perfect timing.

Otherwise normal. We were all home this evening, which was nice. Had a pleasant pizza dinner and did a little reading. Also double-checked time cards and performance self-appraisals. I had a few of the former to approve, which I did with minor changes. Lots of performance-appraisal-related work the next few weeks.

The weekend is refreshingly uncluttered. I should probably clean the pool filters and wash a car tomorrow, but that’s about all that’s on the plate. I’m sure something else will come up, though. Sunday’s looking to be pretty standard too, with the exception of a leadership meeting in the evening. No complaints, though.

We’re looking at a bunch of rain the first half of next week. Apparently, some Pacific typhoon is blowing through. We’re looking forward to it. But only for a couple of days, of course. No need to go overboard.

I’m going to go way outside my normal Blog Comfort Zone here and end with some previously unheard-of music violence: keep your harmonica to yourself.

See you on Monday.

2 Responses to “On the dock”

  1. Andy Morrow Says:

    I had no idea that a harmonica was a dangerous weapon. I'll keep mine well concealed in a drawer next to my bed from now on!

  2. Shannon Says:

    It HAS been cruise week with the photos. I have some cute pictures of Mia on my camera. Maybe I should share them with you.

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