Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two being organic at a recital last October. That’s his teacher there on the left.
Wonders of Blogger today. The train was about half an hour late getting home because of a ground fire near the Tracy station. Doggone nicotine addicts. I was home just long enough to get part of my dinner and then went off to my church meeting. Got home too tired to post. Anyway, here’s what I wrote on the way home:
Back on the train today, thank heavens. I’m not tired of it yet, in spite of the length of the trip and the occasional invasion of my quite ample personal space by careless strangers. In fact, I bought another twenty-ride ticket this afternoon, as my current one only has a day and a half left on it. I’m still planning to buy the single-ride ticket my friend Dan has. Need to remember to do that tomorrow.
The family is getting ready to be gone in a couple of weeks. They’re going to Utah so Loyal Reader Number One can go to Especially for Youth at BYU. The other Loyal Readers will visit family and friends for the week, and I’ll work. Not to worry, though. The Loyal Pets will be there to keep me company, and we’ll have a grand old time. Watching The History Channel during dinner, probably consisting – appropriately enough – mainly of TV dinners. Reading for hours. Maybe working on my websites. Maybe working on the Miata. The possibilities are endless.
Speaking of the websites, this is the only one that’s had anything going on for at least a few weeks. I have plenty of content I’m planning to create for the others, but I never seem to get around to it. There’s always something else to do. I guess I need to either decide to work on just one site or drop some other things. The trouble is, I can’t decide which one(s) I care the most about. I really want to get the HRVA off the ground, of course, I also want to turn Gardenville Software into a viable family business for after I retire. I also want to figure out what to do with Spinfo. It’s such a good website name. Decisions, decisions. Which of these has the best chance to really become something? Sigh.
On the minor good news front, I accidentally discovered the other day that the only good show on NPR – Car Talk – is now being podcast for free. I guess they finally decided their three subscriptions were never going to make them any money, so they got a sponsor and moved to iTunes. I’ve listened to the three most recent shows and still enjoy those guys. Check it out, podcast-loving Loyal Readers!
Time to watch some TV shows. See you tomorrow.