Our Esteemed Reader
Here’s our highly-esteemed reader number one. Numero uno. El queso grande. El pelucon. Look for numero dos tomorrow. You too could be featured here. Become a loyal reader! Number Three! Operators are standing by. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain!
We went out on our traditional Christmas adventure tonight, looking at Christmas lights. Drove around a few nearby neighborhoods. Saw some really cool ones, a few funny ones, and a lot of medium ones. There’s quite a spectacular one right here in our neighborhood – alternating red and green lights outlining the entire house and every window in it, plus lots of other stuff out on the lawn. Cool in a delightfully tacky way. Or tacky in a delightfully cool way. Or delightful in a cool, tacky way. It’s one of those, anyway.
Only four more days before Paul and Melissa get here. I can’t wait! They won’t be with us for nearly long enough, but any visit is better than no visit at all. Maybe I could talk Paul or Melissa into being Numero Tres. The position is still open.
We decided to go to a museum in Allentown featuring Leonardo Da Vinci for our annual Christmas Eve adventure. It’s kind of a long drive, but we’re hoping for good things there. We’ve pretty much given up on going to outdoor museums in the middle of winter. I don’t know why. None of us has ever actually frozen to death. Sure, maybe we’ve come close a time or two, but freezing to death is not like hand grenades and horseshoes. Although I don’t think I’d discuss it with the Willie and Martin handcart people. Anyway, we’re afraid Paul and Melissa’s blood has thinned out sufficiently in Arizona that they might like to stay indoors.
Just heard “The Boys are Back,” by Thin Lizzie. It’s always been a favorite, for inexplicable reasons. I just like it:
The nights are getting warmer,
It won’t be long.
Won’t be long ’til summer comes,
Now that the boys are here again.
Check back with me on that in April. Hasta manana.