Here’s a pretty little building in a pretty little clearing in a beautiful big forest. The fact that it’s a restroom has no bearing on the situation. It’s still Great Art. Picture taken at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. Part of my famous Camping series.
Busy, busy, busy. Worked like a camel, only with less spitting. But the smell was pretty much the same.
But let’s talk about the weekend first, shall we? There were predictions made on Friday, and my Loyal Readers are doubtless on pins and needles to know how it turned out.
First, the not-unexpected bad news: I didn’t work on the rocket launcher. Maybe next weekend. Doggone it.
As discussed previously, the organ recital Friday evening was beautiful, and Loyal Reader Number Two gave a fantastic performance. We received word before we left home that there was a large accident on the freeway that haf traffic backed way up, so we decided to get there on the back roads.
It didn’t work exactly to plan, but we got there, and we got to explore some nice back roads. And plenty of them. If it hadn’t been dark already, there might have been some nice scenery.
Anyway. We picked up Loyal Reader Number Twelve and headed over to the Victorian Christmas Farm. It was decorated nicely, there were a couple of musical groups (including some young girls playing flutes and recorders), there were some Christmas cooking demonstrations, and the requisite vendors were there too.
LRN12 was acting very quiet and standoffish, which was somewhat puzzling. She’s been a little bit ruled by emotions of late, though, so we didn’t get too excited about it and just enjoyed having her with us.
Well. We found out the true cause right as we stepped out of the beautiful Victorian house. LRN12 barfed on the porch. Also herself. And Loyal Reader Number Four. After that, she felt fine and had a nice time. And so did we.
And I forgot my camera. Yet again. I got some acceptable shots with the exclusive Treo-cam, though. They’ll have to do.
Saturday evening was the ward Christmas party. A nice time was had by all. As far as I could tell. I had a nice time, anyway. They didn’t do much. We had a nice ham dinner, listened to a Christmas story, heard a little bit of singing, and went home after visiting with friends for a while. Not bad.
Also spent a few hours looking at new cars. We finally saw one we really liked – the Ford Edge. We drove a nice example and are tempted. There’s a lot of money off, but it’s still too expensive. Don’t know what we’ll end up doing.
Outdoor Christmas lights and setting up the tree were on Saturday’s schedule, but didn’t get done.
Which brings us to Sunday. We got the tree and all the interior decorations up, although as of my departure this morning, the boxes still needed putting away. Still haven’t figured out the outdoor lights.
Otherwise, not a good Sunday for me. I was feeling quite sick all day. Missed church, which featured Christmas songs, which I really enjoy. Some improvement today – thanks for asking.
Forgot to go to the First Presidency fireside. I bet it was nice.
Which brings us to today. Got up at 4:00 and worked eleven and a half hours. Which was too much.
Tonight’s calendar calls for Christmas cards to be done at Home Evening. Might be a long night.
Today’s toilet news: Japan is in trouble.
And so, in conclusion, I offer a great job opportunity for Loyal Readers Numbers One and Three (and really pretty much every Loyal Reader out there): Hotdogger.
See you tomorrow.