Here’s the menu at a pizza joint in Cannes. I can’t decide between the 4 Fromages and the Oignon. Picture taken sometime in 2002 and courtesy of my good old SiPix piece of junk. Rare cameo appearance by me.
Time for some more Great Art. I have a few shots of Loyal Reader Number Twelve on my camera, but haven’t taken the time to transfer them to the computer. Maybe tomorrow.
It was Off Friday today. I didn’t get any of the previously-planned High Council work done, other than some study for Sunday evening’s presentation. I need to talk to a bunch of people on the phone, and I figured I’d have a much better chance of finding them at home on Saturday. So I goofed off instead. Also worked a few hours.
I finished reading Patrick F. McManus’s second Sheriff Bo Tully mystery. This one is called Avalanche, and is just as good as the first one. Which was quite good. Highly recommended to my Loyal Readers, especially the McManus fans among them. Of which I’m sure there are many.
Had a ward small group dinner at our house, which was quite pleasant. Had some good friends over and made some new ones. Then the entire group (us and all the other small dinner groups) met at the church for dessert. It was . . . okay. Too noisy. Dadgummit.
Otherwise, all is well. We got some additional badly needed rain. Tomorrow’s looking to be sunny and 60 degrees, with more rain on Sunday and then more every two to three days afterward for a while. That’s about perfect for getting the ground good and soaked, which will be a Real Good Thing for the farmers. And those of us who like to drink water.
The weekend’s off to a great start, and it’s only getting better. See you on Monday.