Record collection
Here’s an interior detail of the place LRN4 and I stayed in Moke Hill. Interesting storage arrangement for their record collection. Part of my famous Machinery series.
I didn’t miss a day this time! No need for Anon to get excited.
Got released from the high council and sustained as the stake Young Men president on Sunday. I’m sad to leave the high council – I really enjoyed my stay there and it was way too short – but excited and a bit overwhelmed about my new responsibility. Let’s just say there will be plenty to do. And a lot more meetings, I believe. Plus, I’ll still get to speak in sacrament meeting every month, which I like doing very much.
Anyway. Pretty good weekend, if a busy one. It was LRN5’s birthday on Saturday, and we spent an enjoyable evening of fun and frolic. Went to a Young Women activity on Saturday and worked pretty hard on church stuff on Sunday. Then slept.
Did I mention that LRN4 and I went to a great concert on January 15? Well, we did – short description here. It was at the Gallo Center in Modesto, which is a beautiful facility, and was very nice. Also the price was right – LRN4’s visiting teaching companion had won the tickets and couldn’t use them, so we got them for free. Had a very nice time listening to some beautiful (and beautifully performed) music.
Well, LRN4 has tasted blood, and she wants more. We’re going to the opera this Saturday night. The Merry Widow, to be specific. Back at the Gallo Center, of course. All four of us are going this time and looking forward to it.
Time for bed. I’ll leave you with this shocking news of Official Food Violence. Our boys in blue have done it again.
See you tomorrow