Scout bear
Here’s a statue of a bear. In a boy scout uniform. At scout camp. Picture courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Statue series. Also part of my famous Camping series. I was camping. Sort of. Okay, I didn’t spend the night, but it was a camp and my decision stands.
Greetings from the train! I have a very busy evening tonight – scout meeting – so there won’t be much time for blogging. So I’m doing it now. You’re welcome.
I held my first meeting with the church iPhone dev group this morning. It went fairly well and there are some enthusiastic people. It was great to start a business meeting with prayer – something I haven’t experienced before. It really set the tone. Don’t know how I could incorporate that into my day job.
One of the people I’m working with has a very interesting blog. He’s a very good writer and a well-known Microsoft Exchange expert. He’s world-famous in church development circles. He works in Palo Alto and lives south of town. Maybe we’ll get to meet one of these days.
Anyway. I expect to get the app installed on my phone tonight or tomorrow, which I really need to do if I’m going to try to manage this program. I haven’t even been able to get it successfully compiled yet! Although I think I know how to get that done now.
Nothing much else new today. Worked without getting much done that I can remember. There’s a lot of work on my plate right now, and I don’t feel like I’m making a lot of progress on much. I really need to start doing a five dollar job, and I feel like I’m at about fifty cents. I know how to do it, though.
Time to pack up. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking toilet crime news: toilet part theft!
See you tomorrow.