Here are a couple of guys surfing at Big Sur. Taken during this year’s spring campout there, of course.
No post last Friday. I don’t know why. Thanks for noticing, Anon.
Okay weekend. We enjoyed Loyal Reader Number Four’s birthday (link warning: birthday song) on Saturday. Loyal Reader Number Two went to the beach that day with about 175 of his friends. They (and he) had a great time.
Loyal Readers Numbers Five, Six, and Twelve came over on Saturday morning and stayed until very early this morning. They were here for LRN4’s birthday, as well as to escape the heat in their non-air-conditioned apartment.
And the weekend was certainly a scorcher. It was over 100 degrees every day. The upside was that the pool was plenty warm for swimming, which we did a few times. Very enjoyable.
LRN4 and I went to an adult activity at church on Friday night. We tasted The Foods of Many Nations. Several of which were good. Then we listened to a little live entertainment – singers, a flautist, a ukelele player, and a poet. All of which were great. I especially enjoyed the ukelele player. He sang some delightful Hawaiian songs, his wife did a little hula-ing, and his ukelele was electric! Very cool.
Anyway. I accomplished nothing. The weekend was about relaxation.
Oh, I did do some work on getting Larry to serve email and particularly the Mailman list server. My hosting service’s many service outages have finally broken the camel’s back. I’m dumping them forever. Real Soon Now. Since GoDaddy doesn’t do mail lists, I have to host the McCulloch family mail list myself. I think I have a mail server and Mailman both working now, but I have no idea how to use them. Need to do a little more studying and hacking. No problem.
Time for bed already. See you tomorrow.