Top of the falls
Here’s the view from the top of the Clark’s Fork waterfall.
Merry Christmas Eve! It’s been a beautiful day here in Lardville – about 60 degrees and sunny all day. Well, the Weather Channel says it’s actually 56 degrees right now, but it’s getting late.
No post on Friday. It was my first day off work and it seemed like Saturday. So I forgot. Thanks to my old pal Anon for noticing.
We’re back from our Christmas Eve museum visit. This year we went to the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. It’s a really nice museum. There are lots of cool locomotives and several other cars in a beautiful setting. One of my favorites was the Pullman car you can walk through. They have the back of the car set up for daytime seating and the front for sleeping. It’s beautifully restored, and the presentation is really cool. They have lights and sound outside of the car and something that shakes the whole car. It really feels like it’s moving. Very cool.
They also have a dining car you can walk through. Those things were really elegant – much nicer than the dining cars I’ve frequented on Amtrak. MUCH nicer. Loyal Reader Number Four read something that said those dining cars always lost money; the railroads used them as advertisement and competed heavily with each other for the best food and service. Those were the days. The ACE train isn’t quite that nice. But it gets me there and gets me back.
Otherwise, it’s been a pleasant weekend. Loyal Readers Numbers Three, Five, Six, Twelve, and Fifteen are staying with us and we’re having a great time. LRN5, LRN6, and LRN12 have to leave either Christmas night or very early the next day – the demands of employment, alas. We’ve baked cookies, had a nice day at church, done some last-minute shopping, and hung around a bunch. A good time is being had by all.
And we’re ready for Christmas! Except that Loyal Readers Numbers Five and Fifteen are out shopping again. Maybe they’re buying something for me. The world can only hope.
Time for Lasagna (link note: try not to pay attention to the first sentence of the second paragraph – yuck) and our annual Very Special Home Evening. So have a great night and I’ll see you on Christmas.