Trick or treat

Here’s one more Halloween picture – Loyal Reader Number Twelve in her devil costume scamming a few handouts. Good job, LRN12!

Short work day. Got to work at 7:45 after working only half an hour on the train. Then I heard from Loyal Reader Number Four in the mid-afternoon, telling me my brother-in-law Ken was going to be in Lardville at 5:00. We had just approved an important software release, so I decided to head out on the 3:45 train. I should be home at 5:30.

I have no idea what I’ll do with myself at home that early. I’m sure that as a family we can jointly think of something.

One thing I can definitely do with myself is get to bed early. Need to be up at 4:00 on the dot.

Let’s see . . . what else is going on? Ummm . . . nothing.

No new controversy either. Feel free to generate something of your own.

No links either. Too late to search for them. Tomorrow’s blog will be better.

See you tomorrow.

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