Victorian lady
Here’s a plasticky-looking lady in the Victorian Christmas Farmhouse, getting ready for Christmas. Picture courtesy of the exclusive Treo-cam. Part of my famous Statue series.
Great day! Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Fifteen arrived mid-day. We’ve been enjoying the day. Games are being played, computers are being worked on, shopping was done, wrapping is happening (and there’s more to come), great food was eaten, cookies were baked, home teachers visited, Loyal Reader Number Twenty-Four spent much of the day, and . . . let’s see . . . lots of other fun things happened. Oh, and I worked for a few hours. But we won’t count that.
So my first official day off was a great one.
We’ve decided where to go on Christmas Eve. We’re checking out the Hiller Aviation Museum. LRN3 has been requesting it for a few years now. Loyal Reader Number Five preferred the Asian Art Museum, but we think Loyal Reader Number Twelve might not do as well there this year. Maybe next year.
We went to the wacky light house last night. It was as lighted-up as last year, but it was cold, windy, and raining. There weren’t many people there, there was no Santa, and there was no hot chocolate. On the positive side, there was plenty of nearby parking. We took a quick look, got back in the car, and went home for our own hot chocolate. I’m glad we went, but the weather was not very favorable.
Good news! My recently-ordered Christmas present arrived in the mail today. Bad news! LRN15’s gift that was ordered before mine and for which quick delivery was paid still hasn’t arrived. As I mentioned to her, I guess I’ve been good this year and she hasn’t. Do better next time, LRN15.
Nothing else to write about tonight. Film festival tomorrow, which will be duly reported on. More Great Art will be shot over the next few days. See you tomorrow.