Aviator reader
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two ready for takeoff. Picture taken today in the gift shop at the Hiller Aviation Museum. He really wanted to buy this getup, but we talked him out of it. Maybe we should have let him get it thought – he looks pretty jaunty.
No Tuesday post. I forgot. Fortunately, we had a nice day.
Merry Christmas Eve! We had a nice day. Went to the aforementioned aviation museum (Hiller). Turns out there was a Hiller Helicopter company here in the Bay Area. It started out as a few teenagers making toy cars in their parents’ garage. World War II broke out and the kids somehow got a military contract to build . . . ummm . . . something. I can’t remember. Anyway, they quickly became helicopter pioneers. Pretty cool.
Otherwise, we relaxed at home, enjoyed each other’s company, and watched A Christmas Story. Had our traditional lasagna dinner. It was even better than usual.
Speaking of which, there are a ton of leftovers around here. I’m having a hard time not overdoing it. As are several of my Loyal Readers.
Holiday greetings to Loyal Reader Number Seven, from whom we haven’t heard in a while. Thanks for the kind note and we wish you and your family the best Christmas ever.
Same wishes to all my Loyal Readers. Thanks for making the Morrowlife blog the cultural and financial powerhouse it is today.
And it’s time to get ready for Christmas. See you tomorrow.