View enjoyer
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two enjoying the view at Yosemite. Part of my famous Camping series.
Okay workday. Nothing too exciting, but nothing too depressing, either. Most of the day was spent in meetings (sigh) and giving performance appraisals to people. Several more of those left to do next week.
The train was half an hour late this afternoon. The one in front of us broke down outside of Livermore and had to wait for us to catch up with it so we could push it home. I’m glad I wasn’t on the earlier train – it was an hour and a half late.
In today’s toilet news, they’re now classified as Great Art! Now, that’s my kind of museum.
The weekend is once again upon us. I’m sure there’s plenty to do, but I frankly don’t know what any of it is. I’m not planning to figure it out right now, either. The work will have to come to me this weekend.
One thing I know, though, is that we need to pick up the trailer from the shop. Oh, and I need to fix that doggone rocket launcher once and for all. And I should probably get a car washed.
I just checked the weather for the campout. It’s supposed to be sunny to partly cloudy with highs in the lower sixties or upper fifties and lows in the upper forties. Not too shabby, although I could stand it a little warmer. Shouldn’t complain, though, it being late November and all. We will have full hookups at the campground, so there will be no shortage of heat and light. And water and sewer, for that matter. I’m really looking forward to being there.
Spoke with Loyal Reader Number One for a few minutes this evening. He’s doing well at school and greatly enjoying his new job. He has his own personal, private desk with a quite nice (Apple) computer on it, so what’s not to like? He has nice co-workers, fresh-baked bread, bratwursts, and there’s even a cot in the closet. He’s thinking he could live there.
Which would be great! He could save big on housing expenses. In fact, he might not even have to work anymore! Of course, then he wouldn’t have an office to live in anymore. So he’d have to move back into the dorm. And then he’d have to go back to work. So I guess he can’t live there after all.
LRN2 is away at a friend’s house for the night. Loyal Reader Number Four and I are on our own again. Not that that’s a bad thing. Have fun, LRN2!
See you on Monday.