Here’s LRN4 with the Weinermobile. Great Art taken at the Henry Ford Museum and part of my famous Machinery and Vacation series.
Long time no post. I’ve been busy again. Although I haven’t really done anything to speak of.
LRN4’s away at girls’ camp this week. Hopefully, she’s having a great time. I’m doing fine. Had sushi twice so far. Ate a bunch of Spam, eggs, hash browns, and biscuits. Also had some frozen dinners LRN4 bought for me. They’re low-fat and actually tasty. I especially enjoyed the tamale. No complaints in that department.
Doesn’t seem like I’ve gotten anything accomplished, though. Did a bunch of LDS Tools work and umm . . . not much else. Spent some more time working on OS X Lion, did a bit of reading, and worked. Also ate. And slept. But not enough. Sleeping, that is. I did plenty of eating.
And I think I’ll got to bed already. So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: Blizzard assault!
See you tomorrow.
August 2nd, 2011 at 10:06 pm
I think you should have used the picture of you in the hotdog instead.
August 2nd, 2011 at 10:07 pm
I mean the hotdog bun. You WERE the hotdog!
August 9th, 2011 at 2:02 pm
Have you decided to quit writing? I guess 1,000 posts could be enough.