Whip store
Here’s the place where I bought my Kazakh camel whip, if memory serves. That’s a cluster of them there hanging in the middle. I possibly also bought my green Kazakh robe there. That’s my former colleague James in purchasing mode.
Yet another pleasant sunny/cloudy, warmish day. More blossoms on trees, now including many of the orchards here in Lardville.
Read this interesting article today. The California drought question is a very relevant one around here right now. The news morons here in the Valley are touting the need to impose extreme rationing measures this summer. And the reservoirs are at 97% of average. Based on that, I suspect Our Masters in Government are among the few remaining people who still believe the Old Media. Sigh.
Anyway. Loyal Reader Number Four and I need to make our excursion selections for the Alaska cruise. We still haven’t had the chance to even look at the choices on the website other than a few minutes one Sunday evening. And I just don’t know when I’ll find the time. Fortunately, LRN4 has offered to make the choices on my behalf. I’m inclined to take her up on that. She usually has a better idea of what I like than I do myself.
Had a long text message conversation with Loyal Reader Number One this afternoon. He has a great super-secret iPhone/iPod/Mac project just getting off the ground. He’s doing it for a coding contest, and I think it has an excellent chance of becoming a pretty popular app. Good luck, LRN1! And be sure to support your aged parents when you strike it rich.
Situation otherwise pretty much average. Let’s see if there’s any toilet news this afternoon, shall we? Straight from Dave’s blog – it’s cold out there.
How about some controversy too? Is this thing crazy, nutty, or merely loony? I report, you decide.
See you tomorrow.