
Here’s another authentic Wright Brothers aircraft engine (see Thursday’s post for the first one). This one is the real thing, though, and it’s a thing of beauty. Part of my famous Machinery series.

Beautiful, warm, sunny afternoon. Turned the pickup’s heater off and rolled down my window. And I wasn’t even cool. Well, I was Cool. Just not cool. The Weather Channel folks were predicting 65 degrees and I have no doubt they exceeded it. Life in Northern California isn’t so bad after all.

Back into the fifties tomorrow. Brrr.

Let’s see, how was the weekend? Answer: not bad. Friday has been discussed previously. Saturday was pretty low-key. Loyal Reader Number Two and I looked at the Miata’s leaky clutch. It turns out the slave cylinder looks pretty much brand-new and showed no signs of leakage. We opted to bleed the clutch and refill the reservoir and keep an eye on it. If that lasts another year, we’re good. If not, further steps will be taken.

What else did I accomplish on Saturday? Ummm . . . nothing comes to mind. There was a good amount of relaxation, as I recall. LRN2 was invited to a friend’s birthday party in the evening, so Loyal Reader Number Four and I took advantage of the opportunity to go out to dinner. We tried out Lardville’s new Greek/hamburger place. We both had a hamburger and enjoyed them thoroughly. With our coupon, the entire bill came to $7.14. Not bad.

Sunday, is was sustained and set apart as a member of the High Council. I have responsibility for the Spanish Branch and the Young Women, including Girls’ Camp. Combined with the normal High Council duties, like speaking in a sacrament meeting every month, attending numerous meetings, and other duties as assigned, I expect to be plenty busy. I’m really excited about it.

Sadly, I’ll have to be released from the High Priests Group Leadership, which I’ve also enjoyed. You can’t have everything.

Where would you put it?

Work was busy and relatively productive. I’m really enjoying the chance to do more managing under my current boss. And I think things are going very well. Probably. Maybe. Sort of.

Anyway. My new busy nights will be the second and fourth Tuesdays – especially the second. Bloggage will undoubtedly be extremely light to nonexistent those days. My Loyal Readers will just have to stay tough.

Haven’t heard much from Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Five and their respective families. We’re hoping that no news is good news. Tomorrow’s Loyal Reader Number Six’s birthday. Happy Birthday, LRN6!

That’s about it for Monday. See you tomorrow.

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