
Here are Loyal Readers Numbers Two and Fifteen, inadvertently revealing their true nature as zombies. Frightening. Picture taken Christmas Eve in a dimly-lit room at the Railroad Museum.

Happy New Year’s Eve! It’s been a beautiful Monday – sunny and relatively warm. We enjoyed it. Loyal Readers Numbers One, Two, and Three and I went shooting this morning at a range that turns out to be just about ten minutes down the road from us. We were hoping to borrow a shotgun and shoot some trap, but it turns out they don’t have any guns to either borrow or rent. So we used my .22 and had a fun couple of hours. I still need to clean and oil the rifle, which I hope to accomplish either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Happy anniversary to Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Fifteen. It’s been three whole years. Congratulations! And many happy returns. They’re out watching a movie or two and eating lunch. Presumably. I believe they’ll be back for the evening. Although it’s already after 6:00 and dark outside.

It was a nice weekend. We didn’t do much. We planned to go to a museum down in Modesto on Saturday but fortunately checked before leaving. They’re closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Sigh. Well, at least we’ve gotten to two museums this vacation.

We listened to an impromptu organ concert by Loyal Reader Number Two this afternoon. He and Loyal Reader Number Four went to practice for a performance at the upcoming stake conference, and the rest of us went over there a little later. Good concert.

The new Mac has shipped! The FedEx website reports that it should be here on January third. I need to rest up between now and then, since I’m practically guaranteed to be up all night that night.

Pretty much everybody but me around here has a cold right now. Wish me luck avoiding it.

We’re going over shortly to spend the evening with our friends the Hepworths/Englands. Looking forward to it.

Update – LRN3 and LRN15 just got back. Perfect timing, since it’s dinner time.

And it’s time for me to quit. Stay up late tonight! See you tomorrow.

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