Archive for August, 2013

New pet

Monday, August 19th, 2013


Here’s our new pet.  Well, it’s a volunteer pet, anyway.  It flew up to us shortly after we got here this afternoon and refused to leave.  It’s very tame and a pretty little bird.  We can’t have it, though.  LRN4’s condition won’t permit it.  Besides, it belongs to someone, presumably.  But it sure didn’t want to go back.  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken in our front yard this afternoon, and part of my famous Las Vegas and Bird series.

That’s right, we’re back in Las Vegas!  And glad of it, I can assure you, Loyal Readers.  The house was in great shape when we got here, thanks to Melanie.  Our car was quite full, so not everything is put away yet.  But we’ll get there tomorrow.

LRN4 is doing very well today.  I can tell she’s getting tired fairly easily, but she’s otherwise doing great.  We visited with the doctor this morning, who pronounced LRN4 fit to travel.  After getting platelets and micafungin, that is.  I went back to the Village after she got called in for the infusion and packed like the wind.  Everything was done and we were ready to go at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Traffic was fairly light for most of the trip, other than the one time it came to a complete stop.  Fortunately, we were stopped right by an exit.  Lots of people, including a bunch of truckers, were jumping off there and I decided to follow them.  If you can’t trust a trucker to know the back roads, you can’t trust anybody.  And it worked!  We followed a roughly parallel road for five miles or so and then checked out the freeway, which was clear.  So we bypassed whatever the problem was and went on our way.  And everything was fine after that.  Great trip!

My dad got here right after we did (I had phoned him and told him when to expect me, so it wasn’t that great of a miracle) and helped us unload the car.  We gave him a tour around the place, he said some nice things about it, he went and got us a pizza (thanks!), and then we left.  He flies out very early tomorrow morning.  It was a nice visit and we truly appreciate it.

And let’s see what else is going on.  Both of the cars are dead.  Well, their batteries are dead, anyway.  I have my poor little trickle charger hooked up to the pickup and am hoping I can maybe get it to start tomorrow morning.  If not, there are always Ken’s jumper cables.  But I’m hoping it won’t come to that.

Also, there’s lots to put away.

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: cornflake-caused arson!

See you tomorrow.

Doorway head

Friday, August 16th, 2013


Here’s a head above a doorway.  Kind of creepy, huh?  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at Bryn Athyn in Pennsylvania last May, and part of my famous Statue and Architecture series.

Because statues attached to walls are architecture, right?

Very good day today.  My dad is here and we had a great visit today.  Didn’t do too much – we mostly hung around in the Village.  He and I did go out to the post office to pick up the mail, to the pharmacy to pick up a couple of prescriptions for LRN4, and to the car wash to clean up my filthy, disgusting car.  Now it’s a clean, beautiful car.  But in a day or two, it’ll be filthy and disgusting again.  Such is the way of cars.

We all went on a nice long walk around the hospital grounds, including up to the sixth floor of the hospital to have a look at the view from the lobby.  Enjoyable walk and a beautiful view.

We had lots of excellent conversation, a couple of outstanding meals made with loving care by LRN4, and a thoroughly pleasant day.  There’s one more to come tomorrow, and then he goes back to Las Vegas tomorrow night or on Sunday – I’m not sure which.  In either case, our plan is to get together one more time at our house on Monday afternoon/evening, after which he’ll go home on Tuesday.  We’ll be very sorry to see him leave.

LRN4 continues to feel pretty well.  She’s definitely not as strong as usual, but she’s hanging in there.  No new problems, no new issues, no muss, no fuss.  That’s a very good status, if you ask me.

No work on the app today.  We had company!  No work is likely tomorrow either.  I stayed up until 11:30 last night finishing up the security feature, so I’m giving myself a couple days off.  I think we can all agree it’s for the best.  I’m still working like to dog to release on schedule at the end of the month.

And that’s about it for today.  I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: watermelon heist!

See you on Monday.

Candelabra blossom

Thursday, August 15th, 2013


Here’s one more rose whose name I know – the beautiful Candelabra.  Can any of my Loyal Readers guess how I figured that one out?  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at the City of Hope’s rose garden, and part of my famous Garden series.

Pretty good day today.  We visited LRN4’s doctor and we’re still on track for departure from California on Monday.  She’s feeling pretty good, although she continues to lose weight at a fairly alarming rate.  We really need to pump her back up.  Right away.  So our imminent departure is the good news.  The less-good news is that the doctor says we may need to be here in the Village for four weeks after each of the upcoming DLI transplants.  The even less less-good news is that the transplants will be four weeks apart from each other.  The even less less less-good news is that there will be about four of them.  And the even LESS less less less-good news is that this whole process will encompass Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, our 35th anniversary, and New Year’s Day.  Sigh.  Also all the days in between.  Plus a bunch before and after.

Our greatest hope is that LRN4’s graft-versus-host disease will be extremely mild or even non-existent, so maybe we can limit the stays to two weeks or so each.  Cross your fingers for us, Loyal Readers!

But it’s nothing we can’t handle in any case, as long as we’re working on that shot at LRN4’s long-term remission.  We’ll do it.  There are worse places to be.

Made some more progress on the app.  LRN31 has been running it and has made some excellent suggestions, all of which I plan to incorporate.  I’m working on the password protection feature right now.  I have the iPhone version working just fine, but the iPad version with its fancy-schmancy split view controller is being a major pain.  I’ve tried several things, none of which have worked right.  I’m sure the right thing is out there, though.  I have another consultation phone call scheduled with LRN1 tomorrow morning at 8:00.  It’s so great to have supergeniuses for children.

LRN4 spent a lot of time working on her blog today.  She’s trying to get the cover pictures taken for a couple of books she borrowed from the library here, before she has to return them over the weekend.  In order to get the cover pictures taken, she has to have finished all the projects for each of the books.  So she made a whole lot of really cute little things and a couple loaves of delicious lime pound cake, which I have been helping to eat.  It’s the least I can do.  I think she got everything done that needed doing, which is more than I can say for myself.

She was in such a hurry because my dad is coming to town tomorrow for a two-day visit.  He flew in to Las Vegas today and will return there on Saturday evening.  He doesn’t fly out until Tuesday morning, so we expect to get a chance to show him our new house on Monday afternoon.  We’re certainly looking forward to that, and to the weekend visit here.  It’s really kind of him to come out and visit us.

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: macaroni and cheese-related stabbing!

See you tomorrow.

Rainbow sherbet

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013


Here are some roses whose name I actually know: Rainbow Sherbet.  I think these blossoms are beautiful, but the interesting thing is that the red and yellow blossom there on the bottom left is on the same plant as the purple and white ones.  They have some amazingly beautiful, award-winning roses in the rose garden here.  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPad-cam (a first!), taken at the City of Hope’s rose garden, and part of my famous Garden series.

Not a lot of health news today.  We didn’t go to the clinic, LRN4 took her pills on schedule, she didn’t walk up any stairs, and nothing scary happened.  That’s the definition of a perfect day as far as I’m concerned.

LRN4 did get some exercise today, though.  Since we expect to go home in a few days (hopefully!), we went to IKEA and spent a few hours buying some things we need for the house.  Unbelievably, there’s no IKEA in Las Vegas!  All my Loyal Readers should write their congressman immediately and demand that one be built.  Letters to Santa Claus on this topic are also encouraged.  And are likely to be just as effective.

Anyway.  We had a nice time wandering around the store and buying the things we needed, along with several things we didn’t really need but wanted anyway.  We topped it off with a 50-cent hot dog and dollar ice cream cone for me.  LRN4 still isn’t supposed to eat restaurant food due to her low-bacteria diet, and we wisely decided that an IKEA hot dog wasn’t a good place to stretch the rules, so she didn’t get anything.  But it was awfully nice of her to encourage me to get one.  It tasted good and was worth every cent it cost!

After we got back to the Village, we had a delicious lunch (WAY better than an IKEA hot dog!) and then went back out for me to get a badly-needed haircut.  My head feels way better.  I mentioned to the nice lady barber than I now gauge my need for a haircut by how long my eyebrows have grown.  It’s tough getting old.  She also mentioned what a pretty color my hair is – such a nice blend between brown and platinum blond.  Sigh.

I didn’t really start working on my iOS app until the evening, other than some study and preparation for adding the security feature, which I plan to incorporate tomorrow.  Something big did happen today, though – LRN2 finished the XML file he’s been working on!  I had to massage it a bit to incorporate a couple of late format changes I hadn’t told him about and replace some special characters with their XML replacements.  Then I ran it through an online XML checker, found a single small error (way to go, LRN2!), and stuck it in the app.  It works!  One thing I really need to do is find a way to verify it matches the online version perfectly.  Don’t know how I’ll get that done yet.

In the meantime, LRN31 got registered with my beta testing app installation website, so I’ll push another build tomorrow morning and get it out to her.  LRN3 is also working on getting set up to run the app – we’re having problems with his iPad for some reason – so I’ll get him definitely included in tomorrow’s build as well.

And that’s about it for the day.  I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: cheeseburger assault!

See you tomorrow.

Star rose

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013


Here’s one more of the famous City of Hope roses – the star rose!  Actually, I seriously doubt that’s its name, but it ought to be, don’t you agree, Loyal Readers?  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken here at the City of Hope, and part of my famous Garden series.

Pretty good day today.  LRN29 was here, as predicted.  She was kind of sad to leave because we don’t think we’ll be here next Tuesday – at least we hope we won’t – so we won’t be getting together for our regular Tuesday morning get-togethers.  We’re sorry to bring those visits to an end too, but still want to go home.  I’m sure my Loyal Readers understand.  But we will definitely miss LRN29’s visits.  Also John’s frequent Sunday evening visits.

On the other hand, we’re looking forward to hanging out with Ken and Melanie again too.  I guess we can’t have everything.

Got a call from LRN9 today and had a nice chat.  Also had a nice long talk with LRN23.  Did I miss anybody?  Oh, yeah.  Talked with my dad.  Talked to LRN8 a day or two ago.  Talked with my mom sometime in the last couple of days – I need to call her again tomorrow.  Probably some other people too.  I appreciate all the calls.

LRN4 is doing pretty well today.  I think she may be starting to get a rash on her scalp, but she’s otherwise just the same as she was yesterday.  Which is not the best, but it’s far from the worst.  Did I mention yesterday that her doctor addressed her large weight loss during that past ten days by instructing her not to exercise?  I tried to get him to tell me not to exercise as well, but no such luck.  But I didn’t exercise today anyway, out of sympathy with LRN4.

Oh, I spoke with LRN1 today too.  And LRN2 yesterday.  I’ll also talk to LRN2 again tomorrow.  That’s a prediction.

Made a little more progress on the app today.  I cleaned up the development and distribution certificates and improved the presentation of text fields – capitalizing the first letters and making the return key navigate from one field to the next.  Not much, but it was something.  I also started the research for adding password verification.  I think I’ll implement that tomorrow.  I got LRN1 to download and have a look at the app.  He suggested the text field cleanups – thanks, LRN1!  As soon as LRN2 gets me the updated standards XML file, I’ll get a copy to LRN31.  I really want her to look at it.

Didn’t buy anything from Amazon today.  But I always appreciate it when my Loyal Readers click on one of my links and buy something.  Not that anybody ever has, of course.  But we did come close to buying something from Amazon today: LRN4 needed an Indian spice called [amazon asin=B000JSQ66U&text=garam marsala] for something she’s planning to make this weekend.  Strangely, she couldn’t find it at Walmart.  I would never have guessed.  She and LRN29 were looking it up on when it suddenly occurred to me that I had seen a little Indian restaurant and grocery store very nearby.  So we got in the car and went hunting.  Found the place, went in, and got exactly what she needed for a few bucks.  Also got a can of [amazon asin=B004XNJI9O&text=Milo], which I love.  It’s like malted hot chocolate – delicious and highly recommended.  Anyway, we also ordered a lunch for me there, which was delicious.  It was huge and came with an entree, nan bread, soup, some sauces, and dessert.  I don’t know what any of it really was or had in it, but it was delicious all the same.  LRN29 is currently limiting her dietary choices with great success and LRN4 isn’t supposed to eat out, which explains why I was the only one to get anything.  I felt kind of bad eating all that great stuff in front of them, but I somehow managed to ease my conscience and finish my meal.

Nothing else to report today.  So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: toilet-dwelling ferret!

See you tomorrow.