Gate house

Okay, this is kind of a formulaic picture, but I like it. Hopefully, you do too.

There’s a price to be paid for not posting for a couple of days, on top of missing a few days last week. I fear my loyal readers are starting to abandon me for other blogs. We cannot allow this to happen. This calls for a dramatic increase in quality.

Maybe I can think of something besides that. There must be some other way.

Nobody bought the house yet. I guess we need to give it at least a few days. It’s not even on yet. As soon as it hits there, you can depend on finding a link here.

Took Reader Number Two to a barbershop chorus performance this evening. They did a very nice job and I was glad to get to go. Reader Number One went to his dance class and Reader Number Four went to her book group. I’m the only one who had nothing to do tonight. Well, there’s also Belle, but I’m not sure she counts, being a non-human and all.

We had our Relocation Orientation Session this morning with Matt, our Relocation Consultant. It went fine, and I was delighted to learn that the company will pay to ship our two cars and for us to drive the truck with the trailer. They won’t cover meals and lodging while we’re on the road because we’re flying out there in June and coming back for the truck and trailer in August, but the mileage is the important thing, believe me. I calculated today that we’ll spend about $1000 on gas alone, assuming we take the most direct route, which we don’t intend to do. In fact, we hope to be able to follow through with our family camping trip to Ohio in August as part of the trip. Fortunately, the company will pay over $1600 for the mileage (45.5 cents/mile for the truck and 13.5 cents/mile for the trailer). That ought to about cover the gas.

It’s only 10:00 and I’m already exhausted, so I’m off to bed. I need to chase the boys there too. See you tomorrow.

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