Sea cave

Here’s a cave out in the water right by the beach at Big Sur. Picture left over from our last camping trip. We need to take another camping trip Real Soon Now.

But our trip to Arizona this week will do just fine in the meantime. We got word this afternoon that Scout camp is open again (apparently, the water is once more fit to drink, but I’m not encouraging the Loyal Readers to go overboard on it), so the boys are going and Loyal Reader Number Four and I will go to Arizona alone.

Great day today. I stayed home and only worked a little bit. Instead, all four of us (no help from any of the Loyal Pets) built the Big Screen. It looks great, in my objective opinion. It will certainly shield us from the pool equipment, and there will be grape vines growing on it soon. We also poured concrete for the posts of the screen for the air conditioning equipment. We hope to install that one tomorrow. It will be on a much smaller scale than the Big Screen.

I’m sore tonight, as I imagine all the Loyal Readers around here are. I also have a sunburned neck. Pity me.

By the way, I’ve never mixed or poured concrete before. It seemed to go pretty well, and it doesn’t appear that we’ve done any permanent damage to anything. Two of the three tubes we poured seem to have pretty much hardened by now, and the last one is probably an hour or so away from being that way. Cool.

Otherwise, not much happened around here. Loyal Reader Number One trimmed the carpet around the water softener, a task that had needed doing for months. It’s really nice to finally have it done. And that’s our day.

The game development plans continue to percolate. It looks like Wii software development kits are about $2000, and they don’t seem to be distributed to just anybody who asks for one. However, the WiiWare initiative mentioned the other day by Loyal Reader Number Three may result in a different, more affordable SDK. We can only hope. I’m still wondering what the development platform is.

In any case, we need to start moving on the iPhone game. Time’s a-wasting.

And so am I. Time for bed. See you on Monday (or more likely Tuesday, as web access may be limited for a day or two, but we’ll definitely have it when we get to Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Fifteen’s house, so there definitely will be blogging next week, so drop in).

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