Work flowers

Here are some flowers on a bush outside of my building at work. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam.

No posts the last couple of days. I was at Edwards Air Force Base. That’s right, we finally took our trip. Had a very good meeting and got to go aboard the aircraft for the first time. I’m glad I went. It was a long day, though, and I’m also glad to be home.

LRN2 and LRN4 leave very early tomorrow morning on their trip to San Diego, Mesa, and Las Vegas. It’s going to be kind of quiet around here without them. Real quiet. Too quiet. To ease my pain right at first, I’m going on a camping trip with the stake young men tomorrow night. I’m taking the trailer (of course), so it ought to at least be comfortable. Still trying to decide whether to fill the water tank and use the bathroom facilities, etc. I have roughly 20 hours to make up my mind. Is the convenience worth the extra effort to drain the holding tanks afterward? How badly do I want a shower on Saturday morning? Decisions, decisions.

Otherwise, I expect it to be pretty peaceful here in Lardville. I’m hoping to do a lot of reading, maybe work on an electronics project or two (candidates: a programmable guitar pedal, an Arduino-based sound file player, finishing the robot car with or without resorting to a GPS receiver and a compass, and/or something else), do a little programming (candidates: some iPhone app, a Linux-based assembler and/or compiler – possibly Fortran for the Arduino, and/or something else), watch a bunch of TV shows and video podcasts I have saved up on Larry’s hard disk, do a little jacuzzifying, and neaten up my office and workbench. Also a bunch of other things, probably. My fondest desire is not to spend the entire time websurfing. Which would be way too easy.

I’ll also need to remember to change the snake’s water daily, feed the fish daily, and clean the pool and pond filters at least weekly. I’ll also undoubtedly have a bit of laundry to take care of, and maybe even a bit of cleaning up after myself. Oh, the humanity.

Anyway, it’s time for bed, so wish me luck in my solitude and enjoy this shocking toilet violence news: mayoral toilet theft!

See you tomorrow.

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