Ancient statues
Here’s a group of statues from some ancient church somewhere. They’re not in the best of shape, but neither would any of the rest of us be if we were their age. Of course, they’re made of rocks and we’re not, so they ought to have a little advantage in the longevity department. Still, for relics from the middle ages, they’re pretty nice. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone cam, taken at Bryn Athyn, and part of my famous Statue series.
Well. It’s been a few days since I posted here, yet again. I’ve been giving Facebook a bit of a try lately. I get WAY more comments than I’ve ever gotten here, since I have WAY more friends than I do Loyal Readers. Still, the blog is my journal and I want to keep it up. Plus, my Loyal Readers demand it.
Work is heating up, and I’m not talking about the climate control system. We’re coming up to a very crucial activity – the whole reason I was asked to come out here – and the pressure is on to perform. I hope to do well enough to make everybody glad they brought me here but not so well that they want to keep me here. There may be a fine line I have to walk, but I’m up for the challenge.
Since we think we’re about three months away from going back home, we’re trying to pack in all the local entertainment and culture we can. We’re going to a play tomorrow night, a corn maze on Saturday, a Ghost Tour of downtown Langhorne (our current hometown!) Friday of next week, the church Halloween party on Saturday of next week, back to Longwood Gardens for the Chrysanthemum Festival in early November (who knew there even was a Chrysanthemum Festival?), and who knows what else. LRN3 will be here in early November, we’re going to Michigan over the Thanksgiving weekend, and there will be a whole lot more.
In the meantime, I’ve been working hard on Morse Trainer to modernize it a bit. I already have all the graphics updated for Retina displays, I have it filling up the screen on iPhone 5’s, and I plan to have it iPad-compatible by the end of the weekend. Lots still to do, but it’s looking pretty good. Also came up with a new logo for spinfo dot info, which is now my non-commercial app outlet, while Business Casual Software is my commercial arm. I may not exactly hit the ground running when I retire and start making a freelance living writing software, but I hope to be at least moving at a trot of sorts. We’ll see.
Anyway. Nothing else going on, so I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: ramming Taco Bell!
See you tomorrow.
October 19th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
What! A motorized wheelchair isn’t a vehicle?! I don’t blame her.