Another horse
Here’s yet another gallant steed on the Great America Carousel. Part of both my famous statue and machinery series.
Went home early from work today – feeling sick. I don’t know if I’m coming down with something or I’m having a stronger than usual reaction to pollen and dust in the air. But I do know I haven’t been feeling well. Sigh.
Otherwise, nothing going on. I started reading Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny this afternoon, right before my nap. So far so good, although I suppose it did help me with the nap. I think it’ll turn out to be a good book, though.
Made a few more callings for Young Women camp this evening. These last few callings are the tough ones. I’m getting some refusals and a whole lot of people who have to think about it. Most of the callings until now have been accepted immediately. Which I like. We’ll get it staffed, though . . . somehow.
Today’s toilet news: they’re getting easier to find.
See you tomorrow.