Business end
Here’s one more picture of a Proton from my deep archives. I have got to get out and take some more Great Art. Maybe a brief vacation is in order.
I missed an important milestone yesterday. It was my 600th post! Great celebration, huh? Woo hoo! Welcome to number 601.
The work week’s over. Although I’ll probably end up working several hours tomorrow anyway. I at least have to prepare for and hold my 10:00 meeting. Also do timecards. Also fill out an overdue form telling how we’re complying with some corporate requirements.
On the personal side, I must wash the Honda and Sable this weekend. Then there’s a bunch of stuff I want to do on the Sudoku Solver program. I have some ideas for a better user interface as well as a beefed-up solution algorithm and a general code cleanup. Then I need to come up with a design for the Spinfo site that will actually allow me to post software on it. I want a nice stylish, clean design for once, so I’m not going to just slap something up there. I’m thinking Blacktree Software as an example (although I think their design has gotten less impressive with time). Do any of my Loyal Readers have other sample websites that feature stylish, tasteful, and cool design? I’d love to check them out.
Loyal Reader Number Two’s recovery continues, though slowly. He’s not relying on painkillers right now, and he’s not feeling very good. It’s hard to figure out whether he needs medical advice or whether things are still on track. I think we’re going to call the doctor tomorrow and see what he has to say. Keep those prayers coming, Loyal Readers! Not to mention sympathy rays.
Time for bed. See you tomorrow.