Camping pet
Here’s Loyal Pet Number One in her Personal, Private sleeping area in the trailer. Taken in her earlier, healthier years. She’s still camping, though. She’ll be with us at Big Sur the week after next.
As Loyal Reader Number One mentioned, there was no post yesterday. I was at work until about 9:00 in the evening and didn’t get home until after ten. Great traffic, though! Another longish day today. Fortunately, the meeting schedule for Thursday and Friday is very light.
Stayed only about an hour late tonight. Oddly, the traffic was almost as good as last night. I have no idea why.
Had lunch with my friend Al today. He’s on leave from the company and I’m hoping he’ll come back. Regardless of how that turns out, we had a nice lunch together. I had sausage and mashed potatoes and enjoyed them. Thanks for asking.
The progress on getting Larry in shape as the web server continues. He’s in the right room and three of the four websites are up and running. He’s not serving them on the actual internet yet – need to wait for Waterlogged for that. We’re hoping to have everything in place by later tonight.
I abandoned the Einstein book. The author just couldn’t leave his own moonbat politics alone long enough to write a book about somebody else’s work. I recommend a pass on this one. Sigh. I have plenty of other reading material.
I’ve been working on the program for this Friday afternoon’s baptism of my friends Ashley and Brett. They’re the nice young couple whose wedding we attended last Thursday. It looks like things on the program are coming together nicely. The one possible problem is that we need to be in Modesto no later than 7:30 Friday night for LRN1’s honors piano recital. Since the baptism is scheduled to start at 6:00, that’s going to be tight. We’re making arrangements to leave early if necessary, which will be slightly awkward, since I’m conducting the service and Loyal Readers Numbers One and Four are providing the music. Backup plans are in place. Incidentally, Loyal Reader Number Two will be snow camping Friday night. Sounds like fun.
Time to do other things. See you tomorrow.