Crawling smiler
Or is that smiling crawler? In any case, here’s another cute picture of Loyal Reader Number Twelve. Photo courtesy of Loyal Reader Number Five, who is certain she sent me a beautiful piece of Great Art featuring flowers, and who wonders why it has never been featured on the blog. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly sure where it is, but I’m looking hard for it. Don’t worry, LRN5. I’ll find it and put it here Real Soon Now. Just keep shooting that Great Art!
The blog is back! And better than ever. Or at least no worse than before. Whatever.
We had a great campout. Clark Fork is a beautiful place – about 6,000 feet in altitude in the middle of a beautiful Redwood forest. There’s a pretty little boulder-strewn river running through it, with a beautiful waterfall under a bridge right by the entrance to the campground. We hiked around the water a little bit, but Loyal Reader Number Two was the only one whose shoes permitted him to do a little wading. Other than the numb feet, he enjoyed it. The water was clear, the boulders were picturesque, and the setting was spectacular.
We also drove up to Sonora pass, which is over 9,600 feet in altitude. The road up there is quite steep for the last 3,000 feet of altitude, and it was a nice drive. I’ll remember to post the picture I took of the Loyal Readers in front of the sign up on the top.
We also drove up a pretty rustic dirt road to the top of another mountain. The only thing up there was a trailhead for a walk to Sword Lake, a hike we weren’t equipped to do. So we drove back down. Maybe we’ll go up to the lake next time.
And there definitely will be a next time. Clark Fork: highly recommended. Check out the pictures I’m planning to post on the HRVA website Real Soon Now. Also the Great Art soon to be featured on this blog.
Otherwise, the weekend was quiet. We spent some time on Saturday afternoon relaxing in the pool and spa. Sunday was pretty well occupied with my missionary meeting, church, another missionary meeting, two home teaching visits, and Standards Night. Throw in a couple of meals there, and the day was packed.
Tomorrow was supposed to be our trip to the ball game in San Francisco, but we need to have LRN12 with us, so we’re canceling the ball game. None of us are big baseball fans anyway, and we’ll be much more comfortable at home.
And it’s time for Home Evening to start. See you tomorrow.