Eagle workers

Here’s a group of happy peppy Eagle project workers, featuring LRN1 in the background. Don’t they all look excited to be there?

Extreme Short Shrift. It’s late – I had a bunch of Young Women Camp work to do. Making good progress, though.

There was an important unacknowledged Morrowlife milestone yesterday. It was the 750th post. Incredible. More than three and a half years of marginal content. Wow. I just finished a bowl of raspberry sherbet to celebrate. True wretched excess, that.

The first day with the iPhone was great. I really like it. Got a couple of nice scripture applications and an excellent book reader. It’s all good.

Otherwise stayed busy and happy. And worked moderately hard. And had moderate success.

LRN5 pointed out that LRN4 didn’t need to suffer from mosquito bites quite as much as she did at the Eagle project, since she received a lovely personal mosquito net headcover for her birthday. I suspect she’s saving it for a special occasion.

I’ll leave you with some important food violence news: A 76 cent punch in the mouth. Not worth it, if you ask me. Maybe for a bowl of Cocoa Krispies, but never for a bologna sandwich.

See you tomorrow.

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