
Here’s an interesting sign from the railroad museum. The photographs were great, but the sign was merely facinating.

Back to work day. Things were fine there, if a little bit slow. Most people appear to be extending their holiday through this week. My boss was home with a broken house, so it was just me in charge. I responded to the challenge by going home a couple hours early. It was that dead.

Anyway. The commutes in both directions were the best they’ve ever been – an hour and fifteen minutes each way. I had seriously considered riding the train this morning, but things definitely turned out for the best. Still don’t know what will happen tomorrow. How exciting!

The Mac is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! Oh, the excitement! The suspense! The honor! The valor! The buttor! (Link warning – SBemail sounds and animation.)

And since I don’t expect to get much sleep tomorrow night, I had better get to bed tonight. See you tomorrow.

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