Falls hikers
Here are Loyal Readers Numbers Two and Four hiking up to Pfeiffer Falls at Big Sur a couple of weeks ago.
Extremely Short Shrift tonight. It’s almost 10:00 already and I need to be at work at 7:00 again tomorrow, which means up no later than 4:30.
Loyal Reader Number Five pointed out in yesterday’s comments that I failed to mention her family’s visit on Sunday. It was indeed a high point of the weekend. We’re going over to their place on Saturday morning, which will also be a high point.
Traffic was very quick in both directions today – less than an hour and a half each way. Thus making up in a small way for yesterday’s disaster. Incidentally, newspaper reports today confirmed that three separate trains hit three separate pedestrians in the Bay Area yesterday. The guy hit by our train was the only one who wasn’t killed. Very sad for all the people involved.
On a happier note, we’re all slim, smart, and happy. See you tomorrow.