
Here’s LRN1’s kitchen in his place in Guatemala. Looks a bit . . . rustic. Especially that propane tank. At least the dishes are clean – way to go, LRN1! Part of my famous Guatemala series.

Worked a bit a long day today, partially making up for staying home yesterday afternoon after picking LRN4 up at the airport. I don’t regret that at all, and it wasn’t bad staying an extra hour today. I think I’ll do it again tomorrow, in fact.

LRN4 heard today about a free performance of . . . umm . . . one of Shakespeare’s comedy’s. Maybe it’s As You Like It. Or maybe A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Yeah, I think that’s it. Maybe. In any case, it’s showing for free in Turlock the rest of this week. We think we’ll be going on Friday evening. I’m looking forward to it.

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as a virtual machine here on my beloved Mac Mini. It looks really nice and seems to work great. I’ve been thinking of installing it on one of my laptops, at least as a dual-boot option, so I can use it on the train for development. The train is getting to be a busy place for me, what with working for an hour every morning and doing 200 indexing names every afternoon. Plus, I really don’t want to have to carry three laptops with me every day. Really. But I want to start doing a bit of development, and Linux is probably a good option for some of the things I’m interested in doing – compilers and simulators and such things. Although Windows is also an option, sadly. Can’t do Mac or iPhone development because I don’t have a Mac laptop. Just as well, I suppose – I don’t want to have to carry four laptops every day either.

Anyway. It’s late and I need to hit the sheets. I’ll leave you with this shocking food violence news: mozzarella caprese threat!

See you tomorrow.

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