Mini Rushmore
Here’s a miniature version of Mount Rushmore somewhere in GreatAmerica. Why? Heaven only knows. But it’s there. Part of my famous Statue series.
Another pretty day, although not quite as warm as yesterday, which wasn’t quite as warm as the day before. No problem, though. It was comfortable, and it’ll be plenty warm plenty soon, as LRN4 pointed out to me today.
Worked 10 hours again. Accomplished a little, but not enough. There’s always tomorrow!
Pretty much worked, ate, and commuted. So there’s nothing to talk about today, I suppose. Therefore, I’ll leave you with this heartwarming driving story: try, try again.
See you tomorrow.
May 6th, 2010 at 9:12 pm
Aaaaand I will never drive in Korea.
Isn't there a limit in America for the number of tries?