Little brother
Here’s a little family snapshot from Yosemite. This is Loyal Reader Number Four’s brother and his family. Yet another beautiful Yosemite background.
Well. I seem to have forgotten that yesterday was only Thursday. Wished my Loyal Readers a happy weekend prematurely. Oh, the shame.
Although it did feel like Saturday today. It was my off Friday, so I stayed home and only worked about three hours. Fine day – sunny and warm. Loyal Reader Number Four and I fixed the mower, trimmed the lawn, swam, cleaned the pool and pond filters, swam again, got the Honda washed and gassed, had a nice dinner out, bought some stuff at Wally Mart (new calculator batteries, which had been badly needed for a couple of months and were surprisingly cheap, antifreeze for the ‘burb and ‘rus, and some other stuff), and some new shirts for me on Uber Sale at Mervyn’s. Also cleaned all the superfluous stuff off my Palm and got it set back up on the Mac.
More work to do tomorrow, including picking up the Loyal Readers at the Oakland airport! Woo hoo! I also hope to work on the Miata’s boot snap.
Good news for Loyal Reader Number One! I discovered when I was messing with the Gadget that my license for The Missing Sync allows me to install it on two Macs. You can have a copy! Woo hoo!
This weekend’s controversy: Do you believe the rumors about a tablet Mac coming soon? And if they’re true, would you buy one? My answers: yes and definitely, assuming the pricing rumors are also true. LRN1 may want to look at one as his college computer.
Thanks to the Typo Brigade for keeping a weather eye on my work. I can’t see any typos there, though.
See you Monday.