Loyal Reader at work

Here’s Loyal Reader Number Twelve helping load the dishwasher – possibly her very favorite activity. Exclusive low-quality RAZR-cam photo courtesy of me.

No time to write about much – Home Evening went a little late, since our activity was in the spa. It sure was nice, though.

Fine weekend. I got a little bit of work done on a few cars – not much more than checking oil and air filters, but at least it was something. Loyal Reader Number Four and I also got the pool and pond filters cleaned. I sliced my finger pretty badly on the pool filter; fortunately, it’s healing quickly. I had been hoping to change the Sable’s brakes again to try to stop them from squealing, which they’ve done ever since I put Napa’s finest brake pads on. I’m going to switch to ceramic pads and see if they help. Anyway, I decided to put it off for another week due to the injured finger.

More news later. See you tomorrow.

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