Michaels only

Here’s an entirely appropriate sign. Picture taken, coincidentally, at a place called Michael’s restaurant.

Well. LRN1 went to the dentist’s office today and it turns out he has a secondary infection. Not a loose suture. I’m assuming the secondary infection was caused by a stray piece of suture in his throat. That’s the only reasonable explanation.

The weekend’s here! We’re working on LRN2’s Eagle project Friday and Saturday mornings. He’s been working on signs, making phone calls, and getting food ready. Getting excited about it. We’re clearing trails in the local state park.

Other weekend plans include . . . ummm . . . not much. The pool and pond filters are pretty clean. The cars are pretty clean, for the most part. I do still need to trim the lawn, so I’ll get that done. And I have a lot of work to do on the MARV. The accelerometer still doesn’t work right. I’ve been looking at the software, but am turning my attention to the hardware now. I drew a quick schematic of the current arrangement and need to verify it’s the way we want it to be. Maybe I’ll take a few voltage readings at critical points. LRN1 says we can get some free logic analyzer software for the Arduino that will help us too. We’re going to get this thing figured out this weekend, by golly.

Also need to make more progress on my talk coming up in another week. I’m speaking in two wards – sitting in for a friend on the second one. One talk, two wards. Easy.

Do my Loyal Readers think this counts as food violence? Fork attack. I think we can all agree it’s at least food-related, anyway.

See you tomorrow.

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