Mountain peak
Here’s Loyal Reader Number One at Clark’s Fork last week. Special low-res picture courtesy of the exclusive RAZR-cam. Part of my Camping series.
Greetings from Draper, Utah! We got here this afternoon after a smooth, quick trip. The truck ran perfectly, the weather was great with the possible exception of a fairly stiff breeze, and we enjoyed being together.
The Utah branch of the family is doing well. We’ve been enjoying chatting all evening. They should really be in bed by now, but that’s not my problem, is it?
Had a great campout this weekend. As discussed earlier, we went to Clark’s Fork again. What a beautiful place! It’s in the Sierra Nevada just a little more than two hours away from home, up above 7,000 feet, and north of Yosemite. There’s a pretty little river that runs through it. And lots of spectacular mountains. Wow.
Today’s controversy: Are you pro- or anti-nun-beauty-pageant?
The fun continues, so the bloggage must stop for the night. Much more tomorrow.
See you then.