New baby picture
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Twelve, closeup-style. Awww.
There are new LRN12 pictures available, but I don’t know where they are! Loyal Reader Number Five sent a note saying they’re on Snapfish, but she didn’t say where on Snapfish. Several other people have found them, but so far I’m out of luck. I’ll try one more time – hang on a minute.
I found them! They’re great. However, I still hope LRN5 will send them to me – Snapfish wants to charge me to download them. Hopefully, LRN5 will at least be a little cheaper. In any case, I’ve copied one at its low Snapfish resolution. It’s now featured up there on the top of this post. If and when LRN5 sends me the pictures, I’ll update this one to the hi-res version. What a cute little baby!
Our extended weekend trip was fun. The play was cute. It was great to see family. Everything went well. And that’s all I’m going to say until tomorrow. It’s time for bed.
See you on Tuesday.