On the wall
Here’s LRN2 on the Henry Miller house ruins. Part of my famous Camping series.
Massive Meeting Tuesday, so not much to blog today. The next two days promise to be excessively busy too, as I’m getting together with my ecclestiacal leader to interview potential Young Women Camp youth leaders. Lots to do, but I’m enjoying it.
I don’t remember whether I mentioned LRN3’s summer internship in this space. He’s going to work for the Game & Fish Department, educating boaters and others on how to not introduce non-native species into Arizona’s precious waterways. He’ll also be doing a bunch of other stuff. It all sounds like lots of fun. Take lots of pictures, LRN3! And sign up to give some campground ranger talks.
Today’s pet news: I’ll have to keep my glowing puppy chained down.
See you tomorrow.