Project sign

Here’s LRN2’s Eagle handmade project sign, complete with the detail shown yesterday. Great Art, LRN2!

It’s finally starting to warm up a bit here in Lardville. We’ve been having an unnaturally cool summer, and even had a bit of rain on Friday night/Saturday morning, which is absolutely unheard of around here. I’ve started wondering whether Al Gore has moved to town. I hope not – we need all the global warming we can get.

Otherwise normal day. I got some important things done at work and didn’t get others done – typical day, in other words. Got a very nice compliment on behalf of the group from the tip-top program manager today, which was nice. Passed it on to the group. Then I got a personal compliment from a guy who recently left the program and was back to pick something up. Called me an “inspiration” and said his carpool mate, who works for me, tells him constantly what a great boss I am. Very gratifying, if just a bit irrational.

Anyway. LRN1’s telephone surgery took place today. The patient didn’t survive the treatment. Not overly surprising, since the patient was dead before the procedure commenced. Still, there was little to nothing at stake. I received word this morning that the iPhone was shipped from Texas last night and is expected to arrive sometime tomorrow. Woo hoo! After which time, of course, LRN1 will have a Treo again.

This is kind of an end of an era, however. It’ll be the first time I’ve been without a Palm PDA since I bought my first one in Denver, which was about 1997 or so. That first one didn’t last long – a few hours, in fact. I bought it at the Franklin Covey store during lunch, played with it all afternoon at work, took it home, and went to show it to LRN4. it snagged on my pocket and I dropped it on the hardwood floor and the screen shattered. Sigh. I took it back to the FC people and told them my sad story. They took it back and gave me a new one on the spot. Wow, what great service. Their kindness has led to great loyalty and resulted in numerous additional purchases.

Anyway. I’ll be Palmless after tomorrow. Hopefully, the iPhone will be good enough to make me forget my troubles. I’m hoping there’s a great free text file reader for my e-books. I’m pretty sure I’ll find something good in that department.

We have some important food crime news: It doesn’t get any lower than this.

See you tomorrow.

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