Here’s an old Proton rollout. This artsy-looking (it’s out of focus, anyway, and that’s certainly artsy) picture actually appeared on the ILS website back in the day. I mock it, but it’s actually one of my favorite campaign pictures.
No messing with the game engine today. I’ve been too busy watching Jay Leno videos on the internet. Oh, and entertaining some guests a little bit earlier. Our friends the Fallons are having a bit of a health emergency with her father, who lives with them. He’s in the hospital right now, and the family needs to rally ’round. So the Loyal Readers hosted their triplet sons for the day and we had the whole family over for dinner this evening. It was the Mom’s birthday today, and we had cake and ice cream and a few cards. I’m glad they could come over.
Nothing much else today. I worked and came home. On the other hand, tomorrow is shaping up to be extremely busy. I need to work on Loyal Reader Number One’s car, help somebody move, fix the water softener, go visit somebody with the missionaries, and do a little work on the Gardenville/Spinfo conglomerate. Or maybe that should be juggernaut. Oh, and host my father, who is arriving sometime tomorrow – we don’t know when. We’re going to his brother’s late wife’s memorial service on Sunday, and he’s staying with us tomorrow night. That ought to be enough to keep me off the streets and out of the pool halls.
Better get to bed. See you on Monday.