Say what?
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Twelve looking at her mom (or is that Grandma?) in unbelieving amazement over some slight, real or imagined. “Did I just hear what I think I heard?” Check out that arsenal of feeding tubes in the background. She’s got nothing to complain about. But that doesn’t necessarily keep her from complaining. Photo once again courtesy of Loyal Reader Number Five.
Gotta Blog Like the Wind tonight. It’s already almost 10:00 and we’re just finishing Home Evening. I get home later than I used to, so we have dinner later than we used to, so we start Home Evening later than we used to, so we finish later than we used to. It’s a vicious circle.
Loyal Reader Number One got his driver’s license today! Congratulations, LRN1. Be careful out there.
Spent a good part of the weekend working on the Gardenville Software website revamp. Instead of being nothing but a links page, it now features actual software! It needs a LOT more work (doesn’t even have a banner at the top of the page yet and isn’t hosted on the right server yet, just for two examples), but it at least gives you an idea of where we’re planning to go with it. Have a look and give me suggestions!
I ended up using TikiWiki to make the website. I’m still not sure it was the right idea, and I’m thinking of making a demo website with Drupal. If I do end up doing that, I’ll put them both someplace where my Loyal Readers can find them and ask for a vote. That sure seems like a lot of work, though.
And then again, there’s WordPress. Hmmm. What to do (other than bore my patient Loyal Readers)?
Okay, you’ve suffered enough for my art for today. See you tomorrow.