Here’s your favorite cartoon character and mine. Photo taken at Great America, and featuring a rare cameo by your favorite blogger – if you can find it.
Once again, the weekend’s here. and I have lots of plans. Possibly the highest priority is finishing preparations for my Sunday talk. I have the general ideas ready and just need to organize them (link warning: video of a very bad – but short – speech). But it needs to get done.
Probably have to attend a couple of work meetings via telecon tomorrow morning.
Need to buy new tires for the Suburban – I discovered last night that one of them is completely worn out, so now’s the time. I also need to have new shocks put on, since the old worn-out shocks are what caused the premature death of the tires.
Around the house, the pond filter needs to be cleaned and a car needs to be washed. Pretty much any car will do. They’re all filthy.
Then there are the preparations for my brother’s possible visit. He just sent me a message saying he’s not sure whether he’s coming at this point. Hope to find out soon.
There are numerous Young Women Camp callings to work on, of course. Need to make real progress on that front.
Plus relaxation, of course.
Is that enough? I think so. It’ll have to do, at any rate.
Talked with LRN1 this morning. He had a third (I believe) interview with the company in Salt Lake City. It seems quite positive for him at this point. They want him as a co-op rather than in intern. That seems attractive to him because it makes him an integral part of their ongoing work, rather than someone temporary who does busy work. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
Any food violence out there? Just this: Spaghetti-O’s smell like death. Pretty chilling.
See you tomorrow.