Surf shop
Here’s an artist’s-eye view of Ron Jon‘s surf shop here in Cocoa Beach. How artistic!
Had a pretty good day today. Our integrated operations started this morning with very good success. The only tough part of the day was that we started at 6:00 this morning. On top of the time change over the weekend, we had a pretty sleepy team, including me.
I went to Thai Thai for the third time on this campaign. Some friends from Denver invited me. The food was great, just as it has been every time, and the company was great. I really enjoyed the meal. After dinner, I came back to the condo and jacuzzified for an hour or so. There were a couple of families down there from Michigan – I enjoyed talking with them. Now I’m watching American Chopper on Discovery (they’re making a drag racing bike tonight, which is something new for the guys at OCC [link alert – sound!]), drinking a little bit of V8 Splash Smoothie, and writing my Monday blog post. The perfect end to a very nice day. The only thing I would change about today would be to spend it at home. Sigh.
I didn’t work over the weekend! On Saturday, I took a few pictures, including the highly artistic one featured above, and went to the Lone Cabbage Fish Camp for an airboat tour and fried lunch. I saw a bunch of alligators and some pretty (if somewhat swampy) scenery. I’ll work a couple of pictures in over the next few blog days. Sunday I spent at home in the condo, including listening to general conference, which I enjoyed.
And now, to bed!